
Evidence that Shincheonji is true (2), To whom do you belong—Orthodoxy or Heresy?

Evidence that Shincheonji is true (2), To whom do you belong—Orthodoxy or Heresy?

In my last article, I wrote about the denomination where you belong—Orthodoxy or Heresy. ☞ The Standard of Orthodoxy and Heresy

Please read you the above article~~

Whether or not the denomination is a heresy, We should confirm not the rumor but the on the Bible as our standard.

Regardless of the name of their church or town, parents, worldly knowledge, career or academic background, people are heretics or orthodox depending on what kind of spirit is with them.

Those who are with God’s spirit will act upon God’s will, and those who are with the spirit of the devil will act upon the will of the devil. 

그 교회가 진짜 이단인지 아닌지는 오직 성경에 근거하여 확인해봐야 한다. 교명과 지명과 부모와 세상 지식과 직장과 학교와 상관없이 자기와 함께하는 신에 의해 이단도 되고 정통도 될 수 있다. 하나님의 영이 함께하는 사람은 하나님의 뜻대로 할 것이고, 마귀의 악령이 함께하는 사람은 마귀의 뜻대로 할 것이다.

Characteristics of corruption 1. lies

At the time of Jesus’ first coming, the Israelites were mistaken thinking that they were the only chosen people of God out of the whole world and were the orthodox believers. This is why they proudly told Jesus that their father was God.

Jesus’ response to their words, however, was quite different. Jesus told them that their father was not God, but the liar, the devil, and that they accepted lies and spoke lies, just like their own father.

초림 당시 이스라엘 사람들은 온 세계에서 자기들만 선민이고, 정통 신앙인인 줄 알고 있었다. 그러기에 그들은 하나님은 우리 아버지라고 예수님께 말했다. 이 때 예수님의 대답은 달랐다. ‘하나님이 너희의 아버지가 아니라, 너희의 아비는 거짓말쟁이 마귀라.’고 하셨고, ‘너희도 너희 아비같이 거짓말을 좋아하며 지어낸다.’고 하셨다(요 8:31-44 참고).

Characteristics of corruption 2. Plot, Accusation

The priests and elders believed in the gentile king, Caesar, without believing in Jesus, and they became obsessed with thoughts of killing Jesus.

그 제사장들과 장로들은 이방의 왕 가이사는 믿어도 예수님은 믿지 않았으며, 사생결단으로 예수님을 죽이는 데 혈안이 되어 있었다.

Characteristics of corruption 3. Murder

Those priests and elders were the ones who put Jesus and his disciples to death at that time (refer to Mt 27). They were not God's pastors but the pastors of Satan.....

예수님과 그 제자들도 당시의 제사장들과 장로들에 의해 죽임을 당했다(마 27장 참고). 그들은 하나님의 목자가 아니라 사단의 목자였던 것이다.

Characteristics of corruption 4. Persecutes, exile 

Those who murdered God’s messengers were the people who called themselves God’s pastors and who seized ecclesiastical authority at that time. They were neither the people from different religions nor were they non-believers.

죽인 자들은 당시 하나님의 목자라고 하는, 교권 잡은 자들이었고, 타종교인이나 불신자가 아니었다. 

The Reason that Satan to Interfere with God’s Work

Satan creates lies through his pastor to persecute believers of God and to interfere with their work, because believers of God are able to reveal Satan’s identity and make known the true God.

사단이 자기 목자를 통해 거짓말을 지어내어 하나님을 믿는 성도들과 그 일을 핍박하고 방해하는 이유는, 하나님을 믿는 성도들이 자기들의 정체를 드러내어 밝히기 때문이요, 또 참 하나님을 알리기 때문이다.

What about today at the second coming?

Just like the days of the first coming, Today the world of Christianity has also become corrupt like Adam. 

The pastors and elders are even mobilizing the authority figures of this world to act against Shincheonji Church of Jesus. They have been meeting frequently about ways to get rid of the Chairman of Shincheonji Church.

What is more, they gave false information to the MBC PD Note program with the vicious intention of removing the Chairman from this society.

초림 때와 같이 목자들과 장로들과 세상 권위자까지 동원하여 신천지예수교의 총회장을 없애려고 수차 공론을 하였고, 그들은 PD수첩을 통해 신천지를 매장시키기 위해 거짓 정보를 MBC PD수첩에 제공했다.

Christian Media Network of Korea such as CBS, KMIB, etc. aired a false and biased report about Shincheonji.

The Christian Council of Korea (CCK) are criticizing, blaming, and labeling Shincheonji as a heresy. They have been bribing false witnesses and trying every possible means to sue the Chairman.

Is Shincheonji a heresy?!?

It is not God, but Korean pastors who decided to label Shincheonji as a heresy. 

Since 1990, many Christians have joined Shincheonji after listening to Shincheonji’s revealed word (i. e. the word of revelation).

This mass exodus of Christians angered many Korean pastors, and in response, these pastors have held several meetings to work out strategies for preventing their congregation members from leaving their churches.

신천지를 이단이라고 한 것은 하나님이 아니며, 기성 교회 목자들이다. 1990년부터 신천지예수교의 계시 말씀을 듣고 수많은 기성교회 성도들이 모여오기 시작하였다. 그러자 기성 교회 목자들 사이에서 소동이 일어났다. 이에 따라 목회자들은 교인들이 떠나지 못하게하는 전략을 세우기 위해 모의했다.

The Christian Council of Korea (CCK) decided to call Shincheonji a heresy to avoid losing any more congregation members.

Adding to or taking away from Revelation, giving false testimony, loving money, power, and authority, turning away from love and blessing to lies, swearing, and cursing, and blaming someone else are acts of Satan. 

자기네 성도들이 빠져 나가지 못하게 하기 위한 대책을 세운 것이 ‘신천지가 이단’이라는 말이었다.

What kind of Organization is CCK?

The Christian Council of Korea (CCK) was established in 1989 with many Korean Presbyterian churches as its charter members. Today, it is considered to be a representative conservative Korean Christian organization.

The foundation of the CCK was originally intended to meet certain political needs. With its origin focused on the mobilization of conservative Korean Christians for political gain, they cannot claim to be orthodox. Nor can they claim to be representative of Korean Christian organizations. 

한기총은 1989년에 만들어진, 대한예수교장로회 위주의 교단들이 회원 교단으로 가입한 개신교 교단의 연합회이며, 대표적인 보수 기독교 단체로 여겨지고 있다. 한기총의 출범 이유가 정치적인 목적에 있었고, 또 보수 기독교인들만의 결집이었으므로, 정통이 될 수 없는 것은 물론이며 기독교의 대표로 인정할 수도 없는 것이다. 

True saints are those who act reasonably according to the Word of truth, revelation, Holy Spirit, and the will of God.

Shincheonji has the holy spirit and the true pastor who speaks the revealed word; Shincheonji Church of Jesus is truly orthodox. (Jn 14; Jn 16; Rv 10)

I ask and pray that everyone reads this message and attains the correct understanding of heresies.

신천지는 성령과 계시 말씀을 증거하는 참 목자가 있고 참 신앙인이 있는 곳으로, 정통 중의 정통이다. 위에 말한 내용을 읽고 이단에 대한 오해에서 벗어나 참 의미를 깨닫기 바란다. 

We should confirm whether or not the church is a heresy using the Bible as our standard. Those who belong to the CCK distorted the meaning of the Bible with something else, and teach their doctrines to the congregation. 

Through these following words of comparing the theologies and faiths of Shincheonji and the CCK, let us discern that who is the truth and who is the heretic.

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